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Global Expansion is Inevitable

Monday, August 05, 2019

By Ben Brucato, Senior Director Membership & Sponsorship, AASA

This will be my 5th year attending the AAPEX show in Las Vegas and every year I am still blown away. The show is a great representation of what the aftermarket industry is all about and I am so proud and privileged to be a part of it.

As our industry continues to see growth, with global growth estimated at a 5% compound annual growth rate from 2018 to 2024, the need for global expansion is inevitable.

AAPEX reflects this need for global expansion with a growing pool of international attendees and exhibitors. With exhibitors from 36 countries and buyers from 126 countries, this truly is a global event.

To support the worldwide automotive aftermarket, AAPEX provides its international audience exclusive benefits, including:

  • Discounts and other incentives when attending through the International Delegation Program,
  • AAPEXedu seminars on global issues like “Trade, Regulation and Other Policies Impacting Your Business” and “Doing Business in China 2.0,”
  • Access to the fabulous AAPEX International Buyers Center (Casanova, Room 501, The Venetian) for all international show attendees where networking and meetings take place throughout the show.

The Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA) and the Overseas Automotive Council (OAC) have also focused their efforts on supporting the increase of international buyers and delegations at AAPEX by providing programs and services to enhance their experience at the event. These programs and services include:

  • One-on-one show floor tours with leading exporters so that returning and new international buyers don’t feel overwhelmed by the large quantity of exhibitors,
  • Introductions to aftermarket media representatives covering the global aftermarket,
  • Free admission to the famous OAC Global Reception at Madame Tussauds for international buyers and delegations, thanks to the OAC and its sponsors.  In 2018, there were nearly 600 in attendance, and we expect an even larger group this year.
  • A dedicated OAC member center (Sands Expo, Room 302) where domestic and international members can connect with leading exporters, have meetings, refreshments and just relax.

The OAC is the exporting council of AASA and has more than 400 members worldwide. The council creates unique opportunities for its members, international delegations and international buyers throughout the year, culminating in a celebration of the global community at AAPEX.

“I have had the honor and privilege to be involved with AASA/OAC for almost 15 years,” said Norm Young, operating principal, IOP – Industrial Opportunity Partners and chairman, United Poly Systems. On this sense of community, he said, “This unique opportunity to network with international business professionals has been immensely gratifying, invaluable in assisting with my global strategy development and one of the most rewarding industry association experiences.”

Regardless of trade wars, tariffs, counterfeits and any other challenge that globalization brings our way, the automotive aftermarket finds a way to turn such challenges into opportunities and continue to grow. As an association we are dedicated to help our members continue this legacy by serving the international community and supporting the global aftermarket at AAPEX.

I look forward to AAPEX 2019; I am sure it will be full of new and exciting global opportunities, and the best one yet.

To register, visit: https://www.aapexshow.local/attendee/.