Driving Toward a Sustainable Future: Fostering Environmental Responsibility in the Automotive Aftermarket  

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Driving Toward a Sustainable Future: Fostering Environmental Responsibility in the Automotive Aftermarket  

By Ben Spitz, Vice President of Strategy and Sustainability, Parts Authority 

Ben Spitz
Ben Spitz

The automotive aftermarket industry is experiencing a greater awareness of the nuances of sustainability as the world faces the growing need to address environmental challenges. Embracing and publicizing eco-friendly practices and reducing the ecological footprint has become an expanding focus for businesses within the industry. To assist with these efforts, the recently launched Sustainability Committee of the Auto Care Association aims to promote sustainability initiatives across the automotive aftermarket sector. This committee’s approach addresses various aspects of sustainability, including legislation, education, best practices, recycling and beyond. By collaborating, sharing knowledge and taking collective action, industry players can make significant strides toward a greener and more sustainable future.

Legislation: Fostering an Environmentally Supportive Framework

Legislative measures play a crucial role in shaping sustainable practices within the automotive aftermarket. In its pursuit of sustainability, the automotive aftermarket industry is actively promoting legislation that supports the Right to Repair, including promoting access to repair information and tools, and supports the availability of affordable aftermarket parts, service and maintenance for all vehicles. Simultaneously, the industry seeks fair and balanced legislation that acknowledges the crucial role it plays in maintaining vehicles, thereby reducing waste and the environmental impact of manufacturing new ones. By actively engaging in the legislative arena, the committee strives to create a supportive framework that fosters environmental responsibility throughout the industry.

Education: Empowering Consumers and Industry Professionals for Sustainable Action

A cornerstone of sustainable transformation lies in equipping industry professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to drive positive change. The Sustainability Committee’s Education focus group recognizes the need for education and training programs that foster an understanding of sustainability within the automotive aftermarket. These initiatives aim to raise awareness about environmental challenges, highlight best practices and provide practical tools to integrate sustainable approaches into daily operations. Empowering professionals with the necessary knowledge and resources will create a knowledgeable and motivated workforce capable of implementing sustainable solutions.

A cornerstone of sustainable transformation lies in equipping industry professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to drive positive change.

Ben Spitz, Vice President of Strategy and Sustainability, Parts Authority 

Moreover, there will be a strong emphasis on educating the public about the numerous positive environmental impacts of responsible car care and maintenance. By raising awareness among consumers about the importance of regular vehicle maintenance, proper tire inflation, fuel-efficient driving techniques, and eco-friendly disposal of automotive waste, the committee seeks to empower individuals to make sustainable choices in their everyday lives. Recognizing that individual actions collectively contribute to a greener future, the Education focus group aims to instill a sense of environmental responsibility and encourage sustainable behaviors among car owners and drivers. Through educational campaigns, workshops, and outreach programs, the committee envisions a society that values and actively participates in sustainable car care practices, thereby making a significant difference in reducing the environmental footprint of the automotive aftermarket industry.

Positive environmental impacts of sustainability.

Best Practices: Pioneering Sustainable Strategies

The pursuit of sustainability in the automotive aftermarket involves the adoption of best practices that minimize environmental impact while ensuring efficient and responsible operations. The Best Practices focus group of the Sustainability Committee will collaborate with industry leaders, experts and stakeholders to identify and promote sustainable strategies. These strategies will encompass various aspects, such as energy-efficient processes, waste reduction, responsible supply chain management, product lifecycle analysis and sustainable procurement. Sharing insights, developing guidelines and fostering collaboration will encourage the adoption of sustainable practices throughout the industry, setting a positive example for others to follow.

Recycling: Embracing the Circular Economy

Effective waste management and resource utilization are fundamental to a sustainable automotive aftermarket. The Recycling focus group of the Sustainability Committee will focus on finding solutions to transform waste into valuable resources. This includes exploring recycling options for used parts, tires, fluids and other components within the industry. The group will seek to explore partnerships with recycling facilities, develop effective recycling infrastructure and educate stakeholders on responsible disposal practices. Embracing the principles of the circular economy aims to reduce landfill waste, conserve resources and promote a more sustainable approach to resource management within the industry.

Recycling and embracing the circular economy.

Supply Chain Sustainability: Driving Change Across the Value Chain

Beyond the focus areas of the Sustainability Committee, an important aspect of sustainability lies in promoting responsible practices across the entire automotive aftermarket supply chain. This includes encouraging suppliers to adopt sustainable manufacturing processes, responsible sourcing of raw materials and reducing environmental impact throughout the value chain. By fostering collaboration, transparency and accountability, the industry can create a sustainable supply chain that minimizes its carbon footprint and promotes positive social and environmental outcomes.

Collaboration and Beyond: A Collective Effort Toward Sustainability

While the Sustainability Committee can play an important role in spearheading sustainability initiatives, it is vital to recognize that the transformation toward a sustainable automotive aftermarket is a collective effort. Industry associations, businesses, consumers and regulatory bodies should collaborate to address environmental challenges effectively. By sharing knowledge, collaborating on research and development and fostering partnerships, the industry can unlock innovative solutions, overcome barriers and accelerate the transition to a greener and more sustainable future.


The automotive aftermarket industry’s commitment to sustainability is changing the way businesses operate and addressing environmental challenges head-on. Through initiatives being pursued by the Sustainability Committee and its focus areas on legislation, education, best practices, recycling and beyond, industry players can make meaningful progress in embracing sustainable practices. By fostering an environmentally supportive framework, empowering consumers and professionals through education, promoting best practices, embracing recycling initiatives and driving change across the supply chain, the industry can pave the way for a greener future. As the momentum towards sustainability grows, it is the collective efforts of all stakeholders that will shape a more sustainable and prosperous automotive aftermarket for generations to come.

Ben Spitz is Vice President of Strategy and Sustainability at Parts Authority, one of the leading Warehouse Distributors of aftermarket automotive parts in the United States. He is also Chair of the recently formed Sustainability Committee of the Auto Care Association. June 8, 2023