Virtual AAPEX Experience
Don’t Miss the Opportunity to Discover the Value of Remanufactured Parts at the Virtual AAPEX ExperienceBy John Chalifoux, president & chief operating officer, MERA – The Association for Sustainable Manufacturing “Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.” Th…
Virtual AAPEX Experience Welcomes StudentsStudents pursuing careers in the automotive aftermarket are invited to attend the Virtual AAPEX Experience where they’ll have the opportunity to participate in under-the-hood training, learn about c…
Virtual AAPEX Experience Announces Lineup of Technical and Management TrainingLAS VEGAS, Nev. – Sept. 22, 2020 – At no cost to attendees, the Virtual AAPEX Experience is offering technical and management training on the top issues, challenges and opportunities facing a…
Improve Yourself and Your Shop Through the Virtual AAPEX ExperienceBy John Burkhauser, director of education, BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY Every year, the global automotive world gathers in Las Vegas for the AAPEX event. It is indeed a planet-wide affair with companies and i…
Going Virtual: Great Training and So Much More!By Carm Capriotto, podcast host, Remarkable Results Radio Imagine no AAPEX 2020 homecoming. We will be hard-pressed ever to forget 2020 and how our lives changed. I’m sure the powers consider…
Virtual AAPEX Experience To Feature Training, Product Demos and One-On-One MeetingsLAS VEGAS, Nev. – Sept. 1, 2020 – Registration is now open for the Virtual AAPEX Experience, where at no cost, automotive service and repair professionals can sharpen their skills w…
The Aftermarket in Latin America and Opportunities at the Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020By Carolina Arregoces, associate, international affairs, Auto Care Association This year, the Virtual AAPEX Experience will offer attendees the opportunity to reach the over $1 trillion global automo…