electric vehicles
Welcome to AAPEX 2023!Welcome to AAPEX 2023! The event kicks off bright and early this morning with NBA legend Earvin “Magic” Johnson sharing his inspiring message, “The Magic of Winning” during the Keynote Session…
The New EV Experience at AAPEX 2023: Products, Training and InsightsThe Joint EV Trends and Outlook Forecast released at AAPEX 2022 reports that battery electric vehicles (BEVs) accounted for 6% of new vehicle registrations in 2022 and are forecast to reach 56% of v…
AAPEX Introduces EV Experience to Showcase Products and Provide Attendee TrainingLAS VEGAS, NEV. – Sept. 27, 2023 – Electric vehicles (EVs) are already transforming the automotive aftermarket and forecasts project 56% of vehicles sold in 2035 will be EVs and 81% in 2045. To pr…
AAPEX 2023 To Introduce EV ExperienceAAPEX 2023 is set to debut the EV Experience to spotlight the innovations and the specialized skills needed to service the growing and changing market of electric vehicles (EVs). The experience will i…
AAPEX 2023 Show Floor is Sold Out!AAPEX 2023 is just around the corner! The show floor is sold out, and as a result, many featured product sections have expanded. This year’s event will also include: A new Electric Vehicle (EV) Expe…
Navigating Today’s Tech-infused Autos and Discovering the Super-mechanics Who Keep Them RunningBy Bill Hanvey, President and CEO, Auto Care Association Just like the inner workings of our businesses, challenges that arise in the automotive aftermarket are seldomly singular – they all have a …
ADAS: The Aftermarket Technology Growth Opportunity Happening NowBy Paul McCarthy, President & CEO, MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) is the revolution that is here now for the automotive aftermarket industry. ADAS is the cat…
EV Adoption Increasing, Boosted by PolicyBy Michael Chung, Director, Market Intelligence, Auto Care Association Adoption of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in the United States has increased substantially the past several years – BEVs ac…
AAPEX 2023 Registration Opens May 1LAS VEGAS, Nev. – April 27, 2023 – Registration for AAPEX 2023 – the event that unites the more than $1.8 trillion global automotive aftermarket industry – opens Monday, May 1. With exhibi…
Times Are Changing: How This Affects Your ShopBy Kelsey Scherf, marketing manager, ETE REMAN It is no secret that the past two years have thrown a wrench in multiple industries, requiring a change of viewpoint and skillset. Changes such as the r…