auto parts
The Evolving U.S.-China Trade RelationshipBy Randy Wright, Executive Partner, Synergy Global Business Solutions In an increasingly connected world, trade between the United States and China has significantly transformed both nations’ eco…
AWDA Marks 75 Years Not with Diamonds, But with Stars in Las VegasBy Ted Hughes, Executive Director, AWDA The stars will be out in full force in just a few weeks amid the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas – but these stars are not from Hollywood, not even from the s…
Times Are Changing: How This Affects Your ShopBy Kelsey Scherf, marketing manager, ETE REMAN It is no secret that the past two years have thrown a wrench in multiple industries, requiring a change of viewpoint and skillset. Changes such as the r…
Alliance To Strike It Rich With Their Aftermarket JackpotBy JC Washbish, Vice President Sales and Marketing, Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance Get ready Las Vegas, because we’re going all in! The Alliance will be marching 3,000 of the industry’s best sho…
Responsible Manufacturing: The Backbone of a Strong Circular Economy and Aftermarket SuppliersBy John Chalifoux, president & COO, MERA – The Association for Sustainable Manufacturing The automotive aftermarket is a great industry — one that has been around since the advent of the auto…
Consumer Demand Driving Ecommerce adoption – shaping the future of the AftermarketBy Bill Della Giustina, Senior Vice President, Automotive Aftermarket Investment Banking, Jefferies LLC Heightened demand for the ease and convenience of the eCommerce channel is driving industry wid…
Exploring and Expanding Business Opportunities in the Global Automotive AftermarketBy Carolina Arregoces, associate, International Affairs, Auto Care Association While it is true that the pandemic impacted the global automotive aftermarket, there are significant trends that are alr…
AAPEX Shapes and Strengthens Our Collective Future SuccessBy Bill Long, president & CEO, Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA) I’ve lost count of the number of years I’ve attended the show, going back to the days at McCormick Place …
Drivers Deserve the Decision on Where to Repair Their Vehicles – You Can Help Ensure ItBy Aaron Lowe, AAP, senior vice president, Regulatory and Government Affairs, Auto Care Association Up until recently, anyone wanting to repair a vehicle would simply plug into the vehicle’s on-boa…
AWDA Conference Draws Warehouse Distributors to AAPEXBy Larry Northup, AAP, executive director, AWDA Customers make AAPEX successful. Without people and companies to purchase the products on display, there would be no reason for exhibitors to attend th…